web design
With the ever changing digital world, it is now more important than ever to have a website that not only functions well but looks amazing too. I personally feel that whatever your business, you need to set yourself apart from the others, stand out from the crowd. It is the first place a new client will look to see what you can offer and how you portray yourself and your company online... make it look AWESOME!

Clive from The Hamper Guys initially contacted me asking about a brochure design, their first official printed brochure for their amazing bespoke hampers.
The 3 guys, from day one, were right up my street and we got on like a house on fire. I designed and printed the brochure (with Carly Press locally) and they were so impressed that they agreed to have their website redesigned! YAY!
They were chuffed to bits with the result and have had many compliments ... but have a look for yourself!
I have since designed Christmas Leaflets, Business Cards, Adverts, PVC Banners, Client Postcards, labels and are in the process of creating some bespoke packaging and labelling to make even their delivery boxes as awesome as the product inside.
Loving your work! We have had really good feedback from our nearest and dearest on the website,also some nice comments via facebook. Thank you!

Bob Rose had received a recommendation through Linkedin to contact me regarding a complete logo design, branding and full website design.
We spoke over email and on the phone and he really did leave it in my court to WOW him... excellent news!
Within a few days I had sent him 3 logo concepts and there was a clear winner from the start, with just one alteration he had himself a new brand identity... it was then full steam ahead with the website design! I started on the home page and contact page to check he was happy, he was over the moon; "Awesome, my first impression... wow!"
I proceeded to complete the full site, the SEO and made sure Google Analytics were set up so he could track site visitors. I then added Bob and his wife on as Administrators on the site so they can edit and add Blog posts themselves. I am on hand to help as and when necessary.
My favourite request from Bob Rose was regarding the Blog Page... "Can you make it Bob-proof". He now adds the blogs himself, so mission accomplished! Very happy client, without it breaking the bank!
Bob Rose
Yes yes yes, this is the one..!
Great work Sally, thank you!

Darren at DJC Landscaping initially contacted me initially for a Logo Design and some flyers as he had seen my work on Instagram and liked what he saw. When looking at his old branding I came across his Website which I spotted was on Wix and I asked if he would like me to redesign the site for him once we had completed the logo design. He said he would love to - and he wanted to use the time in lockdown to work on the business and therefore update the website.
This was a complete revamp and he just left me to update and redesign the whole site. On site of the first draft he was over the moon and asked me to continue... within 2 days it was all finished and live, I really loved this one as it was a great "before and after" ... see for yourself!